As one of the five major public high schools with a long history of 80 years since its opening in 1940,As a place of communication with alumni, a donation culture (100 won love) in which more alumni participatewhere it is practiced.♡ 2023 Alumni Association Business Plan ♡▣ Default direction - target “Prestigious Gyeongdong Resurrection” - Again Gyeongdong - ㆍEstablished Gyeongdong tradition of strong loyalty ㆍRevival of prestigious Gyeongdong baseball - Priority Promotion Strategies ㆍ‘Alumni Association on the Run’ and ‘Visiting Alumni Association’ campaigns ㆍCompulsory payment of membership fee for electric gates (Prestigious Gyeongdong Resurrection FundㆍKyungdong Love of 100 won per day) ㆍComprehensive alumni news mobile app operation▣ Detailed projects 1. Substantiating the general alumni reunion to establish the Gyeongdong tradition of strong loyalty ○ Reinforcing general alumni activities related to real life ㆍActive participation and support for alumni Aekyungsa -Alumni reunion support for celebrations and early days -Support for disposable funeral supplies ○ Support for organizing alumni associations by non-organized groups ○ Pursuit of organizational stability ㆍOccupational gatherings, professional gathering networks (business, police, police, doctors, lawyers, tax accountants, etc.) ㆍActivation of communication through regular meetings of steering committee members ㆍActive support for alumni club activities 2. Integrated operation of mobile apps ○ Post all alumni news via mobile app ㆍEach group, region, club meeting, alma mater news, etc. ○ Parallel operation of Donginrang (Circular) as a mobile app ○ Deliver Kyungdong news to all alumni mobile phones ㆍKakao Talk, band, email, text message, etc. 3. Reinforcement of the prestigious Gyeongdong Revival Fund Movement (‘100 won a day, Gyeongdong Love’) ○ Purpose of donation / background ㆍContribute to the development of alma mater and alumni association by sponsoring more than 1 account (KRW 3,000 per month) ㆍDevelopment of the general alumni reunion with the mandatory participation of all Kyungdong members 4. Active maximum support for the development of the alma mater ○ Collect and reflect the opinions of the School Steering Committee as much as possible ○ Support for school publicity activities and new student recruitment activities ㆍSeongbuk-gu, Gangbuk-gu middle school Donginrang Cup soccer (football) competition held ○ Expand scholarship fund support ㆍConsultation support after the appointment of the new principal 5. Support for the revival of prestigious Gyeongdong Baseball ○ Support for 2 pitchers and 1 hitter scouting expenses - Responsible support for one person from each jockey